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  • Forks & Skis logo
  • Forks and Skis on March 7, 2025 at Hunt Hollow Ski Club.

    This is a fundraising event in support of Foodlink that has taken place for 14 years and has helped raise over $350,000. 

    Your ticket includes a day of skiing, great food and local beverages, live music, raffles, and Après Ski.

    For more information visit FoodlinkNY.org or call 585-413-4072.

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In Support of Foodlink

Foodlink is a Rochester-based nonprofit dedicated to ending hunger and building healthier communities by addressing both the symptoms and root causes of food insecurity. We serve as the hub of the emergency food system across a 10-county service area. As a leading public health organization, Foodlink administers many programs and initiatives that aim to build the health and wealth of communities.

We provide food assistance through the safe storage and distribution of emergency food to our network of food bank members and community partners. We build healthier communities through innovative programs that create new access points to nutritious foods and empower people to make healthy choices. We drive change through bold career empowerment initiatives and advocacy for a more just, equitable food system.

Learn more about how we are transforming lives and creating healthy futures for every community we serve at www.FoodlinkNY.org, or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram at @foodlinkny.